When you have a family there are bound to be certain things about your home that you would prefer to change. However, the location might not be one of them. You could have selected your current location purely because you recognise its worth as a great place to raise your children, close to your family and close to good schools and plenty of amenities.
However, when it comes to the actual structure of your home, its shape and its functionality there could be plenty that you would like to alter in some way. This is natural because having children obviously changes your perspective on things. It is best to address these things as soon as you can so that your house is ready to cope with the needs of your family.
This may mean renovation. Renovation is not uncommon when family life takes over because people have a much clearer idea of how functional each space in the house needs to be. They get professionals involved to turn a good home into a great family home in as many ways as they possibly can.