As the leading luxury residential property architectural practice in West London, Buro Architects act as planning consultants for property owners, looking after every aspect of the sometimes bewildering planning application process in West London. We prepare, manage and take care of all planning permissions and licences to refurbish as a matter of course when renovating or refurbishing listed buildings and residential property in West London’s conservation areas.
Laws governing how residential properties in London may be altered, renovated or refurbished are extremely specific, strict and can at times appear rather random. Regulations that apply in Kensington and Chelsea can be quite different in Westminster. In addition, what may be done without difficulty in one property might be quite impossible on the building next door. Each property usually also has a number of existing changes that can be done without planning permission, and it’s sensible to exhaust all of these before proceeding with an additional planning application.
highly recommended experts
Having successfully applied for and secured planning permission for over 150 properties in West London, Buro Architects maintain strong professional relationships with individual Planning Officers in both London Royal Boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea and Borough of Westminster. We are delighted and extremely proud to say we have even been suggested to prospective clients by the planners themselves, because of our understanding of the regulations involved, how best to work with these and to achieve a renovation project objective efficiently. Buro Architects also engage pro-actively with your neighbours and help property owners by giving them regular updates and the information they need to field enquiries regarding their renovation.
Even after a brief initial discussion with you, Buro Architects are in the enviable position of knowing how local planning restrictions apply and can usually offer an accurate idea of what will or will not be permitted. Interested? Please do not hesitate to get in touch.